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Life Cover Product

Term of Cover (years)

Family Income Benefit


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Lives Assured

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1st Life Assured

Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY)


2nd Life Assured

Date of Birth (DD/MM/YYYY)


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We take your privacy seriously. Personal data submitted to West End Financial Management Ltd with this form will be treated in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018. By submitting this enquiry form you expressly consent to be contacted in relation to your enquiry, without prior notice or arrangement, using the contact details provided on the form.

UK News

The controversial cafe chain is expanding outside London but locals often have mixed feelings.
Trolleys are weighed before checkout to identify any items customers might have missed or scanned twice.
Wind and wave power is set to be included in calculations of the size of countries' economies for the first time, as part of changes approved at the United Nations.
The president has reversed US policy and says he trusts Putin and finds dealing with Ukraine difficult.
The cost of a second-class stamp will also rise to 87p on 7 April, Royal Mail announces.